About us

Founded in 2014, HumanX GmbH is today one of the leading suppliers of individual medical training models and simulators. A highly specialized team of engineers, biosystems technicians, special effect artists and model builders develops and manufactures products tailored to the customer's specific needs. Our simulators are used internationally in the entire spectrum of medical education and training.

Our products give physicians the opportunity to practice planned procedures on a replica of their patient preoperatively. This helps to minimize risks, reduce operating times and save costs. See also Service

Prospective physicians as well as physicians in further education benefit from our realistic training system and simulators. A true-to-nature haptics and appearance in combination with realistic functionality enables in-depth training in the SkillsLab, independent of an observation in the operating room. See also products

By using our products at trade fairs, congresses and sales events, new medical products can be presented for the first time in a user-oriented setup. Compared to human or animal preparations, our models are not subject to any regulatory requirements. The optional addition of virtual or augmented reality content provides additional value to all our models. See also products or service.

The Management Team

MMM Viola Pfuetzner

Dipl. Ing. Viola Pfützner


Dr Marcel Pfuetzner MMM

Dr. Marcel Pfützner



Funding information

Supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag

The measures described below are funded by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family from the European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg. These funded measures include an innovation assistant (2019) in the field of development.

Further information is available at:

