Products| Neurosurgery | NeuroLisa


Sonography training system for neurosurgery

The training model NeuroLisa enables realistic ultrasound exercises for practical training and education in pediatric neurosurgery.It was developed in cooperation with physicians based on a real case of illness using CT images. Besides the regular anatomical structures, it also includes case-specific pathological changes: Skull bone with four prepared craniotomies as well as the possibility to create own craniotomies.

  • brain

  • cerebellum

  • enlarged lateral ventricles (hydrocephalus)

  • third brain ventricle

  • fourth ventricle

  • septum pellucidum

  • tumor in the cerebellar region

  • optional: perfusable blood vessels

The phantom has four craniotomies, which allow the use of the ultrasound head, puncture of the ventricles and resection of the tumor tissue.

A tripod enables the correct positioning of the phantom for the application: - supine position for puncture of the ventricles - prone position for tumor resection - Lateral position for ultrasound from the side

A training system according to your wishes? This training system can be adapted by us in all areas to customer-specific requirements.